Monday, February 7, 2011


Today I know that my power lies in compromise. I am not alone. I offer and accept love, support, and happiness to connect with the pleasure and beauty of my hearts desire. There are two sides to everything and I don't always have to be right. I am empowered by expression and my gift is attraction.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Power of One

Why is it that the Power of One is so powerful but when you are one and alone you sure do not feel powerful????

All the good words and people that surround cannot help you when you are down and low..... but yet you are always there to pick everyone else up.

Sometimes it feels like I am drowning and I just cannot make it out of the whirlpool I am in....

They say that all trials, tribulations and challenges are sent to you to make you better and stronger but right now I feel I am stronger than Iron Man with all the trials, tribulations and challenges I have had in my life.

When am I ever going to get my break in life!!!!!!